January 25, 2010

File Storage at Drop.io

Last summer, my friend Jeremy worked the company drop.io. It's a website where you can store and share data, and it's easy as fuck to use. I made us a free account, where we can store up to 100mb. Go to http://drop.io/wompthink to upload or download files. The password is the same as I used to have for my computer

In particular, you can use it to post songs on this blog. To embed songs, first upload them on drop.io; then click on 'more' and 'embed' next to the song. Copy the code and paste it here, but delete the line that says

"Discover Simple, Private Sharing at <a href="http://drop.io">Drop.io</a>"

1 comment:

Matthewgilbertson1@gmail.com said...

dude I totally used this for my photos for a long ass time. its dope.