January 30, 2010

Look what what our little girl has become.

It makes me so fucking happy that these are the girls that elle and her fake tits have decided to spend her time with. She seems genuinely fullfilled in her life, and in her shirt.

January 29, 2010

January 28, 2010

January 27, 2010

Struggling with Premature Ejaculation? Facebook Thinks So

I was looking through a friends facebook, and check out this hilarious fucking ad that popped up. If that picture doesn't say "I wish you didn't cum so quickly," I don't know what does. Yes, I know you want to, but no, you can't click on the picture to follow the link. Sorry, quick-jizzers

January 25, 2010

When Our Minds FIND

Dudes... I don't think you guys have seen this part yet. If you have, I'll destroy everyone for not sending me the link.

Check it - It is the precursor to history!


Some Super Old Photos






st a shed

Photos from the Shop









Words of Mammoth Power

Why Obstain My Penis
We Outsell Most Pimps
We Often Make Pornos
Why Oh Much Pussy
We Obviously Massacre Puppies
We Offend Most People
We Own Muslim People
We Obliterate Mexican People
Womp's Orgasms Massacre Pussies
Worship Our Might Pussies
We Openly Make Pregnancies
Weep O Motherland Portland
We Occationally Masturbate Puppies
West Of Most Positions
We Offer Mental Penetration
Women Offer Masturbation Persistantly
We Often Missle Pakastan
We Optimize Movie Pauses
Will Omnivours Munch Peanuts?
We Often Mass Produce
We Overpower Many Persians
Wisconsin Owns My Penis
We Originally Made Penguins

Reading a Book, Lady Brings a New Cup of Coffee...

"Oh watch out for them... they're gonna beat you up with that pipe wrench. Climb through this hole, show this guy and then cut back to these two..."

File Storage at Drop.io

Last summer, my friend Jeremy worked the company drop.io. It's a website where you can store and share data, and it's easy as fuck to use. I made us a free account, where we can store up to 100mb. Go to http://drop.io/wompthink to upload or download files. The password is the same as I used to have for my computer

In particular, you can use it to post songs on this blog. To embed songs, first upload them on drop.io; then click on 'more' and 'embed' next to the song. Copy the code and paste it here, but delete the line that says

"Discover Simple, Private Sharing at <a href="http://drop.io">Drop.io</a>"

January 24, 2010

Hard-On for Hard-Fi

The other day I was searching for a band similar to Muse, and I happened upon Hard-Fi. Turns out I actually have two of their cd's, and I've never listened to them. Music fail. As reparation, I present you with this dope song.

And So It Begins.....

Fellow womps: you have before you an pending depository of all that is womp. Instead of sharing kickass knowledge via scattered email, we shall rise up and embrace the blog. We will post dope youtube videos. We will upload sweet-as-fuck pictures. We will share our profound musings - sober or otherwise. We will impart the sublime.

We will, as we were, and forever shall be, awesome.

"And so it was, that the society was founded on that fateful day. Eternally since, the priory has been the secret hand behind all the affairs of the world, controlling the fate of all with the mere flick of a wrist, a secret twitch of an eye.

Thou may enter, mere mortal.