November 19, 2010

Scientists Trap Antimatter

November 18, 2010|By Thair Shaikh, CNN

Scientists have captured antimatter atoms for the first time, a breakthrough that could eventually help us to understand the nature and origins of the universe.

Researchers at CERN, the Geneva-based particle physics laboratory, have managed to confine single antihydrogen atoms in a magnetic trap.

This will allow them to conduct a more detailed study of antihydrogen, which will in turn allow scientists to compare matter and antimatter.

Understanding antimatter is one of the biggest challenges facing science -- most theoretical physicists and cosmologists believe that at the Big Bang, when the universe was created, matter and antimatter were produced in equal amounts.

However, as our world is made up of matter, antimatter seems to have disappeared.

Understanding antimatter could shed light on why almost everything in the known universe consists of matter.

Antimatter has been very difficult to handle because matter and antimatter don't get on, destroying each other instantly on contact in a violent flash of energy.

In a precursor to today's experiment, in 2002 scientists at CERN produced antihydrogen atoms in large quantities, but they had an incredibly short lifespan -- just several milliseconds -- because the antihydrogen came into contact with the walls of their containers and the two annihilated each other.

In this latest experiment the lifespan of the antihydrogen atoms was extended by using magnetic fields to trap them and thus prevent them from coming into contact with matter.

The researchers created 38 antihydrogen atoms and held on to them for about a tenth of a second, which is long enough to study them says Professor Jeffrey Hangst, one of the team of CERN scientists who worked on the program.

Hangst and his colleagues produced a magnet field which was strongest near the walls of the trap, falling to a minimum at the center, causing the atoms to collect there in a vacuum.

"We could have held them for much longer... I am just full of joy and relief, it's taken us five years to get here, this is a big milestone," Hangst told CNN.

To trap just 38 atoms, they had to run the experiment 335 times, says Nature which published the report findings.

Hangst added: "This was ten thousand times more difficult than creating untrapped antihydrogen atoms.

"This will help us understand the structure of space and time. For reasons that no one yet understands, nature ruled out antimatter... this inspires us to work that much harder to see if antimatter holds some secret."

Malcolm Longair, professor of natural philosophy at Cambridge University, told CNN that CERN's results were a considerable achievement.

"At the Big Bang we believe the temperatures were very very high and we understand in theory why antimatter disappeared but there is no physical theory to back it up."

Antimatter was first predicted in 1931 by the British physicist Paul Dirac, who theorized that antimatter is ordinary matter in reverse.

CERN's next ambition is to create a beam of antimatter which they hope will allow them to unpeel more of the mysteries surrounding it.

November 3, 2010

November 1, 2010


Someone find me one of these.

October 27, 2010

Best of Autotune

Neighborhood Ninja

Apparently this dude had been dressing up like a ninja and performing some batman-style street justice. Badass.

September 21, 2010

September 20, 2010

A Guy Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess...
"Will you marry me?"

The Princess said "NO!"

And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf and dated women half his age and drank beer and whiskey and had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted.

The End

September 10, 2010

Motivational Speech


August 31, 2010

The Buffalo Theory

"Well you see, Norm, it's like this . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

August 27, 2010

New Donkey Kong

Opium den 2, here we come.

August 24, 2010

'Unsend' with gmail

They would definitely have come in handy this one time I sent a heated email to people from my frat, bemoaning the retardedness of Stanford's housing administration. I clicked 'reply to all' and proceeded to bitch about 'bureaucratic bullshit'. Just as gmail was showing me the 'sending...' message, I noticed that 'reply all' included a member of Stanford's housing administration. I had to send a rather awkward follow up message.

Click here - unsend action

August 12, 2010

Bet on your grades

Pretty crazy ides. Make some bills:

August 5, 2010


Check out this sick site: You can stream everything, including full albums, for free. You can also upload your own music library and access it from anywhere. Dope shit. Here's a blog widget I made with some cool songs I've heard this summer.

July 16, 2010


For $120, that's cheap as shit, if it includes the gauge/gas/etc. I emailed the dude, we'll see what he says. Check out the listing HERE

This one's with a broken fridge, but looks less sketchy, there's people around who fix fridges for around 30 bucks, which would make this an especially kickass deal LINK ACTION

July 15, 2010

Online courses for the masses

Check out this sweet site, its got a bunch of free online courses from Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and shit like that. Learn random cool shit you don't otherwise want to spend a whole quarter doing. Go to

You tell me

June 22, 2010

Beer Pong Tournament

"It's like we get hammered and make cups all day. I drink all day and I make cups all day. That's what I do. That's my life."

Fucking awesome. This would be so cool to make a road trip out of.

June 6, 2010

Last Night

I was working on some photoshop work at around midnight last night when my roommate came in pretty drunk with a babe. She was maybe a 6.5-7 but was absolutely acceptable for a drunk hookup and even to go out of my way to make it happen. At first we all kind of sat in the room and chatted, but I could feel Gabe's penis swelling and filling up the area of the room. It got to the point that his penis was so overwhelming that it started to suffocate me and push me out of the room. I said, "It's time for an adventure." got a coat and my camera and went out into the night. I watched two homeless people fight, then strolled into this parking garage which I discovered had a BITCHIN view, there was even a stairwell/supply room roof I could climb up on. I chilled there and just pondered existence, then I decided, "fuck it. Ill just sleep here. No one can see me and I can pass out looking at a panoramic view of Seattle. So I feel asleep to the sounds of birds and the wind. At about 5:30, I was woken up simultaneously by rain, and a dude shaking me asking if I was ok. Turns out someone in an office building that was taller than the parking lot saw a body laying in the rain on the roof and called security. The dude thought I might be dead. I explained that I totally didn't mean to fall asleep and after the usual "I'll let you off with a warning." I peaced. Solid night sleeping on a roof.

May 27, 2010

Chips and Salsa

The Salsa Crusade
(An analysis of an intellectual dilemma)

So as I am writing my paper for History 220 on the crusades I begin thinking, "Man, I could really go for some chips and salsa right about now.” I then thought, "Dude, I need to finish this paper because it is totally due tomorrow and I have been wasting a bunch of time already." Then I thought RATIONALLY about my situation.
A proper analysis of this predicament requires, as all problems worth solving do, an examination of all parts. I broke the problem down: First, let me examine the topic I have thought the most about this evening, the crusades. They happened, by most human standards, a long-ass time ago. Essentially, they are not going to change in the course of the ten minutes it takes to go get mouth-watering chips and salsa. The only thing that could change is the knowledge we have about the crusades from scholars, historians, ect. Say some ground breaking new information comes to the attention of the world on the crusades. Based on my experience with computers, it is not very likely that my computer will stop my typing and say, "Guess what just happened in the world of crusade research!” However, in the course of me getting chips and salsa, I must walk around on a University campus. Where do most historians, scholars, ect. do research? Universities! So I would say it is way more likely for me to run into the learned men among the multitudes than it is while I am locked in my room. How might someone know to tell me this newfound information on the crusades you might ask? Well let me tell you! By the grace of God, the standard greeting among even estranged college-goers is something along the lines of "what's up?" If I then inform them that I am doing a paper on the crusades, the ground breaking new knowledge they might have will be quickly imparted to me in the interest of continuing on a common conversational topic. It could be safely said that walking to go get chips and salsa is but a chance for me to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the crusades. It would be unscholarly of me NOT to get chips and salsa.
The second issue I face is that this paper is due tomorrow. Tomorrow is in the future. The future is way less pressing than what is happening in the present. I am hungry for chips and salsa right now. If I wait to get chips and salsa, the paper will still be the same amount of due, but my hunger will get way worse! The paper will get no less done if I satisfy my hunger. Therefore, it makes way more sense to satisfy something that is getting worse rather than something that, left unattended, will simply not advance. If I were to tell you that tomorrow you will have a stomach-ache, but I am about to punch you, which would you act on first? In part 1 of David Hume's 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding' he claims "that the sun will not rise to-morrow is no less intelligible a proposition, and implies no more contradiction, than the affirmation, that it will rise." Basically, we cannot say with any certainty that the future exists insofar as we cannot say that the principal of cause and effect exist, only the principal of probability based passed experience and observation. Simply because I am around right now, doesn't mean I will be tomorrow or even a minute from now. It seems safe to say that the chances of existence still being here within time for me to get salsa are significantly greater than the chances that it will be around tomorrow when my paper is due, so I better hurry up and get salsa before I stop existing. Think about it, do you plan on eating chips and salsa at least one more time before the end of existence? I do. So I figured I better get crackin' on obtaining my chips and salsa.
What it came down to ultimately, is that NOT getting chips and salsa was utterly foolish, irresponsible, and would ultimately make me not live up to my potential as a human being who cannot say for certain that he will even have to turn in this paper tomorrow because tomorrow is just as likely to not exist as it is to exist.
Go! Carpe some Diem and eat chips and salsa while you still have time.

May 25, 2010

FFFFuckin awesome.

So if you guys don't know about it, this site called is basically badass stuff of all sort. It is an invite only blog of artists, architects, photographers ect. I have been saving things I thought were awesome, badass, funny, the occasional hot girl, ect. I made a drop called there are some gems in there.

May 10, 2010


This comic can be really funny: subtle, and ussually nerdy as fuck: Link Here

May 7, 2010

My Chest

Skim through the first part, but listen to the part about the previously done surgery, I tried to find a video of that but couldn't. essentially they used to cut out your sternum and make you a new one. This is the newer method.

March 15, 2010

Dope Cruising or HW Music

They are called Pretty Lights and it's basically a drum machine and a guy who samples shit, but it's dope.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

February 22, 2010

Douche N

Courtesy of suffa boy

February 14, 2010

February 10, 2010

Unhappy Modern Hipsters

Such intelligent, subtle humor.

Unhappy Hipsters

Yo slutmuffins: to post links instead of URLs, click on the 'edit html' tab and type in:

<a href="">Here's what the link will say</a>

February 9, 2010

Isaac's classic video

Cool Websites I have collected.

Mostly from Stumble Upon, I have been making a word document of some of the coolest and funniest websites I have found. Check em out.

February 8, 2010

New Womp Song

One thing I want to tell you dude is that you fucking rock.
I called you when the bullets flew
And you took the fucking block
If it came down to me or you, I would fight bear
I shed a tear cause your not near
But just know that I care.

Holy crap dude let’s hang out and taste some tasty brew
Sitting on your freaken porch is all I want to do
I know it seems all far away but check it dude, real soon,
We’ll be chillin all together singing at the moon.

One thing I want to do with you is venture through the world.
Be a man with rope in hand
at the edge with flag unfurled
our ventures and our escapades will echo through the years
we’ll charge on through as brothers true
and sip some dank ass beers

I was sitting here, all alone, in this distant land.
No one beside me, no more friends, I sunk my head in hand
I did not know where I was going, I closed my eyes and sighed
I felt that I knew nothing, but then I realized……

Holy crap dude let’s hang out and taste some tasty brew
Sitting on your freaken porch is all I want to do
I know it seems all far away but check it dude, real soon,
We’ll be chillin all together singing at the moon.

One thing that I know is that we’ll be back again
We’ll rock the block with massive cocks
Together as bretheren
But till that day, remember what to do when you’re depressed
Get on the bus, sing and cuss
We’re Womps so fuck the rest.

Holy crap dude let’s hang out and taste some tasty brew
Sitting on your freaken porch is all I want to do
I know it seems all far away but check it dude, real soon,
We’ll be chillin all together singing at the moon.
One thing that I know is that we’ll be back again

Funny Song

To embed: by most videos there's an 'embed link'; you copy the code and paste it in the blog entry, but make sure you're on the 'edit html' tab

February 5, 2010

I was looking for some funny asians...

Whats freakin nuts is imagining this is an american show. Everyone would be flippin balls with laughter watching middle aged men getting paddled like that.

Dope Game

Play Multitask

Mirek: 112

February 4, 2010

Mmm Beer...

Our names on Urban Dictionary.

1. Mirek
Polish, Communist, deadly, armed and Russian - this guy is not one to mess with! Hangs out at the fez alone, visits games workshop every day, commits at least one murder every week as an act of spiritual renewal.
Miiiiiiiiiiiirek? Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirek?!! Dinner's ready!

Stop swearing at those politicians, you Mirek.

You're such a Mirek! Did you have to go and be sick in my toilet? What a Mirek.

1. Isaac
That kid in the Bible whos dad decided to kill him because he thought God told him to.

Also: common misspelling of iSack, a sleek and shiny nut-pouch created by Apple

1. Matthew
A sexy guy that liked the women and has a nice tooth brush

See also: Suffaboy

January 30, 2010

Look what what our little girl has become.

It makes me so fucking happy that these are the girls that elle and her fake tits have decided to spend her time with. She seems genuinely fullfilled in her life, and in her shirt.

January 29, 2010

January 28, 2010

January 27, 2010

Struggling with Premature Ejaculation? Facebook Thinks So

I was looking through a friends facebook, and check out this hilarious fucking ad that popped up. If that picture doesn't say "I wish you didn't cum so quickly," I don't know what does. Yes, I know you want to, but no, you can't click on the picture to follow the link. Sorry, quick-jizzers

January 25, 2010

When Our Minds FIND

Dudes... I don't think you guys have seen this part yet. If you have, I'll destroy everyone for not sending me the link.

Check it - It is the precursor to history!


Some Super Old Photos






st a shed

Photos from the Shop









Words of Mammoth Power

Why Obstain My Penis
We Outsell Most Pimps
We Often Make Pornos
Why Oh Much Pussy
We Obviously Massacre Puppies
We Offend Most People
We Own Muslim People
We Obliterate Mexican People
Womp's Orgasms Massacre Pussies
Worship Our Might Pussies
We Openly Make Pregnancies
Weep O Motherland Portland
We Occationally Masturbate Puppies
West Of Most Positions
We Offer Mental Penetration
Women Offer Masturbation Persistantly
We Often Missle Pakastan
We Optimize Movie Pauses
Will Omnivours Munch Peanuts?
We Often Mass Produce
We Overpower Many Persians
Wisconsin Owns My Penis
We Originally Made Penguins

Reading a Book, Lady Brings a New Cup of Coffee...

"Oh watch out for them... they're gonna beat you up with that pipe wrench. Climb through this hole, show this guy and then cut back to these two..."

File Storage at

Last summer, my friend Jeremy worked the company It's a website where you can store and share data, and it's easy as fuck to use. I made us a free account, where we can store up to 100mb. Go to to upload or download files. The password is the same as I used to have for my computer

In particular, you can use it to post songs on this blog. To embed songs, first upload them on; then click on 'more' and 'embed' next to the song. Copy the code and paste it here, but delete the line that says

"Discover Simple, Private Sharing at <a href=""></a>"

January 24, 2010

Hard-On for Hard-Fi

The other day I was searching for a band similar to Muse, and I happened upon Hard-Fi. Turns out I actually have two of their cd's, and I've never listened to them. Music fail. As reparation, I present you with this dope song.

And So It Begins.....

Fellow womps: you have before you an pending depository of all that is womp. Instead of sharing kickass knowledge via scattered email, we shall rise up and embrace the blog. We will post dope youtube videos. We will upload sweet-as-fuck pictures. We will share our profound musings - sober or otherwise. We will impart the sublime.

We will, as we were, and forever shall be, awesome.

"And so it was, that the society was founded on that fateful day. Eternally since, the priory has been the secret hand behind all the affairs of the world, controlling the fate of all with the mere flick of a wrist, a secret twitch of an eye.

Thou may enter, mere mortal.