December 18, 2015

Impressive Anal-ytics

After Tayler informed me that she had not seen Tubgirl, Kids in the Sandbox, or Lemon Party we hit the internet in search of filth but what we discovered was actually pretty interesting. Now, based on the previous sentence you might assume I'm going to link you to some horrendous depravity of the 'sexual' variety but unfortunately my wompian brothers I do not have that pleasure. What we've got here is the 'Insights' page of pornhub. It a surprisingly well put together blog about an impressively wide (gaping one might say) variety of analytics about porn and it's users from one of the biggest porn sites out there. Now let this penetrate your eye holes. 8==D - - O:

December 7, 2015

Stephen - Crossfire

Oddly addicting.

"Paralyzing Fear of Mayonnaise"

I was laughing so hard during the last minute and a half of this video that I was drooling on myself. Holy fuck man. Maybe it was just the mood I was in or something but this the funniest shit I've seen in quite some time.