September 16, 2014

JumoDaddy - White Horse

Some orchestral drum-and-bass with some dash of dubstep. Prepare to ride the beast, my friends.

Electically induced lucid dreams

Sweet article on how researchers linked stimulating a certain part of the brain with inducing lucid dreams. Summary below:
... EEG and fMRI studies have shown that there is elevated activity in what’s called the lower gamma frequency band, notably in frontal and temporal regions of the brain, during lucid dreams... Activity in the frontotemporal region is related to executive ego functions; it is characteristic of being awake, and it's not usually seen during REM sleep.

... Researchers subjected people to frontotemporal transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at various frequencies ranging from 2-100Hz... Stimulation with 25 and 40Hz increased activity in the lower gamma band... increased five out of eight factors associated with lucid dreaming.

September 14, 2014

Jon Bellion - Carry Your Throne

This dude has been killing it as of late.

September 4, 2014

September 2, 2014

Hey QT