March 17, 2014

Bachelor party damages

I spent last weekend in Cabo on a bachelor party. I could go on about how crazy tits shit got, but I'll let the owner of the villa we stayed at speak on my behalf. This is the email we got from him after the trip:
Aidan & Will: 
I rescind my acceptance of your apology. I have been spending countless hours of my time dealing with your groups disrespectful behavior and actions from last weekend.
I have reviewed the Security Reports and pictures of the Damages. 
You have gone way beyond, to disrespect and damage the Development and my Villa.
At this point, I will make it brief. Below are a list of the damages I am charging you for, along with the Fines from Security. This is not up for discussion or negotiation.
  • $3,000. Security Fines and Violations. See attachments. Translated: 1).Urinated in the streets. At the Snake and Frog Statues. Urinated outside the Villa.  2). Stole the Security Vehicle. 3). Throwing Limes at the Security personal. Scandalous, outrageous behavior.
  • $450. Dining Room Table Damage. Sand, re-finish and restore to original condition. See photo.
  • $433. Pool Table Felt Replacement due to stain and damage. Replace Pool Ball Set, due to lost ball.  See photo and Receipt
  • $250. Installation of Pool Table felt and rails, due to damages. Receipt forthcoming after install.
  • Total: $4,133. 
  • Security Deposit on File. $2,000
  • Total Owed to Cabo Amigos, LLC: $2,133.

This amount is to be paid and deposited to the Wells Fargo Account by Friday, March 21st by 5pm. Wells account number is: XXX. This does not include the stained towels, broken shot glasses, and broken bowl, that I am not charging you for. 
I expect full and swift compliance regarding this matter.

March 10, 2014

Pop culture maps

Click here. Example below - fail, Oregon. Fail everyone, really.

The Fuckin World.

This BADASS documentary called Baraka was released in 90 fuckin 2 and I'd never seen it till last night. Pairs well with a doobie and a beer but if need some convincing that this shit is dope just watch the mother fuckers from minute 13 to minute 16 and believe me, there's more.