June 22, 2010

Beer Pong Tournament

"It's like we get hammered and make cups all day. I drink all day and I make cups all day. That's what I do. That's my life."


Fucking awesome. This would be so cool to make a road trip out of.

June 6, 2010

Last Night

I was working on some photoshop work at around midnight last night when my roommate came in pretty drunk with a babe. She was maybe a 6.5-7 but was absolutely acceptable for a drunk hookup and even to go out of my way to make it happen. At first we all kind of sat in the room and chatted, but I could feel Gabe's penis swelling and filling up the area of the room. It got to the point that his penis was so overwhelming that it started to suffocate me and push me out of the room. I said, "It's time for an adventure." got a coat and my camera and went out into the night. I watched two homeless people fight, then strolled into this parking garage which I discovered had a BITCHIN view, there was even a stairwell/supply room roof I could climb up on. I chilled there and just pondered existence, then I decided, "fuck it. Ill just sleep here. No one can see me and I can pass out looking at a panoramic view of Seattle. So I feel asleep to the sounds of birds and the wind. At about 5:30, I was woken up simultaneously by rain, and a dude shaking me asking if I was ok. Turns out someone in an office building that was taller than the parking lot saw a body laying in the rain on the roof and called security. The dude thought I might be dead. I explained that I totally didn't mean to fall asleep and after the usual "I'll let you off with a warning." I peaced. Solid night sleeping on a roof.